Health Insurance


Welcome to Hungary!

In order to reside in Hungary, you need to have health insurance.
To help you with this, we are offering you the opportunity of having fee for service health insurance (STUDIUM14) at Generali Insurance.

The insurance includes the following: medical treatments/interventions, health care services, medications and medical aids, in the case of doctor’s suggestion coverage for the cost of transportation of the patient, but only if those services are known by or selected by your health care provider.
In case of emergencies, costs related to the usage of another health care provider are justified.

The insurance is for Hungary only! You can effect an insurance for a full year period: year of insurance (period of insurance): 1 (one) year. Regarding the given insured person period of insurance starts on the 1st day of the month of signing the insured’s statement and the insurance cover takes 1 year (12 months).

The maximum amount of health benefits that can be paid is 2,000,000 – HUF/insurance period, including medications and medical aids of up to 200,000 HUF).
The cost of medications and medical aids recommended by doctors are reimbursed by 50%, all other costs related to health care is reimbursed by 100%.

The cost of this insurance is 70,000 HUF/year/person.
The cost of the insurance is to be paid when you sign the contract.

Designated health care provider:

MEDICINA Belvárosi Egészségközpont

You have no obligation to pay in advance for any medical treatment that is provided to you at the designated health care provider as this is handled between the insurance company and the health care provider.

You can effect an insurance at

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Generali Biztosító Kispesti Képviselet
1191 Budapest, Üllői út 259.
Tel.: 06 1 378 47 09
Mobil: 06 20 514 8657

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  •  H-1083 Budapest, Jázmin utca 10.

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