Commerce and Marketing BA

Our students acquire theoretical knowledge through a practical approach in one of the most popular BA programmes, whilst improving their skills in terms of independent and group work. They have a great opportunity to study commercial companies and economic organizations, to understand and predict market processes and to learn about consumer behaviour. They study in a pleasant and inspiring atmosphere while participating in a European accredited BA programme. The skills and knowledge acquired throughout the programme will enable our students to work in the fields of advertising, marketing planning, PR, e-business, sales and other related areas of commerce and marketing, as well as successfully cooperating with participants in the market. After completing the programme students will possess up-to-date knowledge, and will become economists with degrees in commerce and marketing, with excellent communication skills. So they will have excellent possibilities to find employment relevant to their professional interests, as well as to seek promotional possibilities or to improve their businesses in the area of marketing and commerce. They will also be able to use their acquired knowledge in other fields of economics.

Balázs Gyenge PhD
Balázs Gyenge PhDProgramme Leader


Commerce and Marketing
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Qualification in the degree

Bachelor of Economics in Commerce and Marketing 

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Title of award

Economist in Commerce and Marketing

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Pre-requisite certificate

GCSE A Level

Required level of English language proficiency

minimum B2 level (IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL IBT 72 or equivalent)

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6 semesters, i.e. 3 academic years + 1 semester related work experience (internship)

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Form of training


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Business Administration

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Number of credits


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Please, click on the button below to register, and note that upon registration you will be requested to pay the registration fee of 200 EUR.

In the interest of a smooth application, please, study the steps of the process carefully at the following links:

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  •  H-1083 Budapest, Jázmin utca 10.

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