WBS Students’ Union (HÖK) aims at achieving a much higher goal than merely meeting the requirements of the regulations concerning students’ unions. The Union also wishes to operate at the highest standards possible, organise special programmes and generate student life which both students and the whole institution can benefit from. HÖK aims at being the centre for student life in the school as well as creating a community of students that bind together and will be active after graduation thus enhancing the reputation of the institution. HÖK organises trips to other countries in Europe for example Carneval of Venice, Vienna, Prague and Krakow. We also organize trips inside Hungary, Wine-tours in Eger or at Lake Balaton, thus making the college years unforgettable for our students. These programmes facilitate networking, which is one of the most important tasks of the Union.
The Team of HÖK is proud to help represent the high quality of WBS and the group of students that underlie this successful institution.
WBS Students’ Union:

Viven RózsaPresident of WBS Students’ Union

Flóra FaragóVice President of WBS Students’ Union

Attila SzászVice President of WBS Students’ Union

Katalin GyarmatiMember of WBS Students’ Union

Gergő TállaiMember of WBS Students’ Union